Supercharged Referrals

Referral marketing is a superb way to grow your business without spending a huge amount of money on advertising.

If every customer told just one new person about you, that would double your business in an instant! We want to help you put the systems in place so your customers do tell at least 3 other people about you!

How Can This Course Help Me?

It’s incredible: the average business spends at least 5 times more money to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one, so doesn’t it makes a ton of sense to do all you can to keep your existing customers happy and encourage them to refer you to as many of their friends and family as possible?

Referral Marketing MUST be a critical part of growing your business and gaining as many referrals as possible could be the single most important method for you to affordably and cheaply build a loyal customer base.

But referrals won’t automatically come to you, no matter how good you are, because there is an in-built reluctance in all of us which prevents us from telling others about you.

We’ll show you how you can get over this by creating a referral system which will get you a constant stream of referrals, and we’ll also give you the FULL system we used to create a virtually referrals only business!

As with all our courses, after each module there is an exercise or two to help you apply what you have learned to your business. No more of this theory only stuff. What we show you has been proven to work in real business situations.

You also get access to the course control panel where you can download all the templates from the course so you can just enter the text and send it off to the printers! 

What’s In The Course?

Module One - Why Are Referrals So Dreamy?

In this first module we will talk about why referrals are so great for your business from a financial and personal point of view. We will go through why many customers may be reluctant to refer you to others and we will also get you to change your thinking about asking for referrals too!

Module Two - Referral Essentials

Great! So you have decided to grow your business by creating a great referral system.  In Module Two we’ll go through some of the most essential elements of creating a referral system, like looking at and classifying your customers, looking after your key referrers, thanking people for your referrals, and how to follow up on each referral you receive. We will also go through when to ask for them (and when not to!)

Finally, at the end of the module we go through what it means to have a referral system (as opposed to an ad hoc way of doing things randomly) and we will also look at your referral message too.

Module Three - Building Blocks

In Module Three we go through 16 intrinsic elements which must be in place for you to be worthy of receiving referalls from the customers point of view (which is really the only point of view which counts.)

In the exercise at the end of the module you will have a chance to truly analyze your own performance to see if you would give yourself referrals, or if there is any aspect of your business which you need to tighten up on to ensure your referral success.

Module Four - Referrals From Other Businesses

When we think of referrals, often we only think about getting referrals from our customers, but getting referrals from other businesses can be a GREAT way of getting more referrals.

You see, if you join with other businesses, once they know, like and trust you, you will often get referrals to their customers and friends and family too.

Joining with other businesses (Strategic Alliances) and meeting other businesses for a business breakfast (Networking) can be 2 of the best ways to get more referrals bar none.

Maintaining relationships with your business collegues WILL earn you 1000’s every year, and in this module we will talk you through the right (and wrong) way to build these relationships into profit machines.

I still get dozens of referrals every year from business contacts I made over 15 years ago! How’s that for an amazing ROI!

Module Five - Creating Your Referrals Battleplan

Ok … as the first paragraph in the module says … now you’ve done the groundwork and highlighted the areas you may need to work on, let’s develop your Referrals Battleplan.

In this module we will go through the referral scheme I used, and I go through what I had to change to make my referral plan work. We will look at all the “touch points” you have with your customers and how each can be turned into referral promoting touch points.

Module Six - Keep It Going

You’ve made your first sale with the customer, so that’s it right? NO!

In this module we will give you several ways for you to keep in contact with your customers so they a) don’t forget about you and b) don’t forget to refer you at every opportunity!

One of the best ways to maintain contact with your customers is via a newsletter, so we give you everything you need to know about running an awesome newsletter system, as well as give you an example newsletter to copy.

Module Seven - Extras and Templates

In Module Seven, we give you all the templates, ideas, tips and tricks you need to build and grow your referral system. We also give you example Strategic Alliance letters, and everything you need to apply an awesome referral system to your business.

For many years I have run (almost) a “referrals only” marketing scheme in my businesses, saving me a ton of money on marketing. I also love referrals because you get much better quality customers who like you even before you have walked through the door!

Implementing a tip top referral scheme isn’t easy, but I get incredible quality customers for very little outlay so it pays for itself many times over.

Paul Baker

Business Super Heroes

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If, at any time, you decide (for whatever reason) you don’t just LOVE this product, please click on the button below and we will refund every single penny you have paid.

Supercharged Referrals
Get more referrals than you ever thought possible and run a (virtually) referrals only business like I did!
Price: £36.99
Price: £24.00