How We Started Writing Business Courses

I went bust in 2008 in my own flooring business so I went on courses all over the world in all aspects of business. I took copious notes and spent all day, every day with my head in the best business books ever written, learning as much as I can, and implementing what I had learned into my own business to ensure I didn’t fail again.

A couple of years later a friend who was struggling asked to borrow the notes I had made so I tidied them up and made up some exercises for him – my first course was created!

Now my flooring business is thriving and so much of it is systemised, giving me a huge amount of time to write these courses (which have expanded beyond all recognition!) Now I want you, my fellow business coaches, to help other businesses be prosperous, succesful and profitable.

About The Business Super Heroes

Who Are We?

We are a team of business professionals who love helping business coaches get the best results from their clients. We love saving business coaches time and money. 

How Can We Help You?

We’ll help you by doing 90% of all the donkey work for you. All you have to do is put a few pictures in with the text to break it up, add some of your own personal stories and anecdotes to make it “yours” and away you go!

Once you have purchased these white label business PLR courses you can use them as your own and rebrand or re-package them as you see fit. You could create:

  • Courses
  • Email marketing emails
  • Books
  • Online Courses
  • Handouts and guides

We Will Be Frank …

We want to work with you to help you get where you want to go. Like a sailor plotting a course.

It may not always be easy, but just like a best friend who will tell you when you have a bogey showing, we want you to reach your business goals and we will advise you if we think you are not going in the right direction. Sure we may have different ideas about how to take your business forward and that’s great. More ideas for you to choose from.

Ultimately everything is your decision to make, not ours.

About Paul Baker

I am married with a wife and daughter. I started my own businesses to provide them with a great lifestyle. One where we can go on holiday when we wanted and not have to worry about paying the bills.

I have 3 dogs. Loyal. Obedient. Great company.


I love life and business challenges. Here I ran The Brighton Marathon with a 23kg backpack. (I’m the knackered looking one trailing behind the man mountain!)