Presentation Skills

Marketing For Non-Techno Geeks

Marketing For Non-Techno Geeks

Think you can’t build and grow a profitable SME business if you aren’t up to date with modern technology? Think the whole world of business has passed you by just because you don’t know the latest HTML coding?

Think again!

How Can This Course Help Me?

This course is all about focusing on the more “traditional” marketing techniques which will work as well today as they always have! Just because technology is so prevalent in our lives doesn’t mean you can’t run a highly successful and profitable business using just “old school” marketing tactics!

In fact, because most business owners focus all their marketing efforts on on-line marketing methods only, this leaves a huge gap for you to dominate with your off-line marketing techniques!

As always, with all our courses, they are not just based on theory. Our courses are designed so they will work in real life SME business situations.

At the end of each module there is an exercise (or 2 or 3) to help you apply what you have learned into your own business! After all, what’s the point of reading about something and doing nothing with the information?

That won’t happen with our courses! The exercises are designed to help you apply what you learn directly into your business.

What’s In The Course?

Module 1 - Introduction & Behind The Scenes

In the first part of the module we will try and persuade you that you CAN grow a successful SME business without using hardcore technology systems! We will go through the keys to success in marketing, whether it’s online or offline, and we will look at your mindset too.

In the second part of the module we will go through everything which needs to go on “behind the scenes” to create an incredible marketing program, like creating awesome marketing systems, finding the time to grow your business and other essentials like testing and measuring the results you get from your marketing.

Module 2 - Marketing Foundations

In this module we will look at all the marketing foundations you will need to grow your business. We will also give the the real secret to marketing success and we will show you an example of how this marketing system works in a real live situation!

None of this theory only rubbish … this stuff really works on the ground in real world situations!

As you work through the module we will show you how you can keep your marketing on track, help you align your positoning / value with your marketing, and also help you avoid many of the marketing pitfalls which WILL cost you £$000’s of wasted income.

Finally, in this module we will help you develop your UVP, your Unique Value Proposition, because that will help you stand apart from your competition, and you will have a chance to work through all of these things in the exercise at the end of the module!

Module 3 - Copywriting Basics

Whilst this isn’t a course on copywriting, you can’t write awesome marketing materials without knowing the basics of copywriting, but what is copywriting? It’s writing words that sell your goods or services.

What is the point of preparing any marketing if people aren’t going to read it?

This module will take you through the foundations of copywriting and will help you structure your ads so they really pack a punch when they are seen by the recipient.  Again, we will also help you avoid the many traps even some fairly experienced marketers make when they are creating their marketing masterpeices!

Module 4 - The 2 Most Important Marketing Tips For Non Techno Geeks

One of the best things I ever did for my carpet and flooring business was to “get out there” and meet other people, especially other businesses!

People buy from people, and people will only refer business to you if they know you exist and they like and trust you.

I cannot stress enough the need for you to get out there and mingle … sure it may be outside your comfort zone, but once you have met with these people a few times and made friends you’ll settle in and start getting referrals quickly.

We go through the do’s and don’ts of referrals, networking and building those vital Strategic Alliances which will see your business transformed in just a matter of months.

In the second part of this module we will go through newsletters, which is the #1 way of keeping in touch with the customers you do have. they don’t have to be huge, unwielding things … just a one-sided, interesting newsletter will promote your business mega effectively!

Module 5 - The Best Marketing Ideas For Non-Techno Geeks

For the next 60 pages of the course we will go through dozens of off-line or computery simple techniques to market your business.

We start off with the basics, like the do’s and don’ts of business cards, then we walk you through dozens of techniques you can use in your business to increase your marketing and profitability, all without investing a ton of time in complex computer stuff.

In this module you will see many ideas you can use in your business which require just basic knowledge of MS Word or your smart phone.

We will show you many templates, and all of the templates we show you in this module are sent along with the course so you can adapt them all to your business.


Module 6 - The Best Of The Rest

Here we will look at about a dozen or so other ways to grow your business without too much computer know-how. So what’s the difference between Module 4 & 5?

Well, Module 4 focuses on the marketing tricks you can get immediate business boosts from, they won’t take a huge amount of work to implement and the results will happen fairly quickly. Pretty perfect eh?

The tips in this module are still worth a go and could produce very lucrative results but are more of a “slow burn.” This part contains things like increasing your credibility by winning awards (not as hard to do as you may think) and PR.

Everything in this module are still great ways to market your business after the other things have been done (though in reality you may not have to use these tips because you’ll already be stacked out by then.)

Module 7 - Slightly Techno Stuff

In Module 6 we will look at a number of other highly profitable ways to grow your business using just the tiniest smidgen of extra techno knowledge.

When computers were not being used heavily for SME businesses, if you wanted to do even the tiniest bit for your business on them it would be very difficult, but theses days things are so much more straight forward than they ever were, so you can do a lot more to help your business grow with even the tiniest bit of knowledge.

The tips we give you in Module 6 are set up so the programs will walk you through everything you need to know.

Module 8 - Course Summary And The Bit At The Back

In this last part of the course we give you a summary of what we have been through in the course and we even give you 11 PAGES of bullet pointed hints and tips for you to use to grow your business.

YEP … 11 Pages of bullet pointed hints, tricks and tips!

By the time you get to this point in the course you will have a seriously strong action plan you can use to grow your business, even with limited techno knowledge!


To ensure you can hit the ground running with this course, we have given you over 20 different ads / postcard ads / vouchers etc which you can use in your business!

Each ad has been laid out based on a carpet cleaning business so you can see what part goes where in the ad. All you have to do is change the points we’re making for  carpet cleaning business and transfer those points to your business.

For example, in one of the coupons templates you get, using MS Word you can easily change the heading of “Share Your Carpet Man With Your Friends” to “Share Your Window Man With Your Friends.”

As another example, in the brochure we give you you can easily change the section on scams in carpet cleaning to scams in your own trade or profession.

We have made it so easy to chop and change everything around to suit your business! 

In no time at all you will have many postcard ads (which work brilliantly because they are different!) flyers and so much more, all ready for you to use in your business.

I can’t help the feeling there are potentially thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people who have great potential to run an awesome business but they are put off because they are not up to date with all the modern technolgy gizmos.

This is such a shame, ‘cos old school marketing still works bloomin’ well if it is done right.

We will show you how to do it so people take notice of your old school marketing and buy from you, even without all the noughts and ones.

Paul Baker

Business Super Heroes

Have A Sneaky Peak At The Course Below …

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Marketing For Non Techno Geeks
Learn to build and grow a highly successful and profitable business without all the technology gizmos.
Price: £87.99