Gold Collection

Growing Your Business With Quality Workbooks

The Business Super Hero Academy Gold Collection 

These are courses which can be downloaded or sent to you as a hard copy, these courses contain everything you need to grow your business or make more profit.

All our courses are detailed and contain exercises and workbooks so you can apply what you learn into your business right away.

Supercharged Referrals

Price: £ 34.00

Will It Work ...?

Price: £ 19.00

Using Social Proof

Price: £ 19.00

The Psychology of Marketing

Price: £ 36.00

Basic Marketing

Price: £ 22.00

Laser Focus

Price: £ 12.00

From Influence To Profit

Price: £ 38.00

Stand Out And Get Noticed

Price: £ 38.00

Plan For Success

Price: £ 34.00

The Art Of Great Follow Up

Price: £ 19.00

Our Guarantee Of Awesomeocity


That’s what we want you to think, but if you don’t …