The Psychology Of Marketing

Use this The Psychology of Marketing course to learn the principles of psychology to connect with your market at each stage of the buying process – driving increased sales and producing lasting customer relationships.

Course Highlights

Course Type

A detailed course for those who want to take their selling to the next level



Can be quite intense to those more “action-based” people!


Downloadable PDF’s or Hard Copy


Approx Time

60-90 mins a day for 5 days (including completing exercises and workbooks)

How Can This Course Help Me?

Many SME business owners think emotions and selling were worlds apart this course will teach you the basic principles of psychology to connect with your market and provide them with the type of information they need at each stage of their decision making process.

This course will take you through the basics of psychology so you can understand how your customers are thinking….and how you can respond effectively. 

You’ll get all the materials you need to learn how to use psychology in your marketing – in a totally ETHICAL way.

Here’s an overview of what you’ll get in The Psychology of Marketing:

 Introduction to Basic Psychology

  • Why Psychology is Important for Marketers to Understand
  • The Customer’s Decision-Making Process
  • Key Principles of Psychology for Marketing
  • How to Select the Right Tactics for Your Market
  • Next Steps

Be in no doubt emotions and feelings play a HUGE part in your sales and business success, and understanding your customers and why they act the way they do will have a significant effect on your bottom line profits … GUARANTEED!

Your Investment And Guarantee

We are committed to providing you with quality products that will transform your business and seriously boost your profits, but if you don’t just LOVE this product simply click the button below anytime within 90 days and we’ll return 100% of your money. 

Now £36.00

“I didn’t realise how much of a part  emotions play into the overal buying decion until about 2008. Since then I have looked deeply into what causes some people to buy the way they do, and why emtoions count for far more than price. Once you have taken the course you will be able to connect with your prospects on a much deeper level.”

Paul Baker

Chief Hero, Business Super Heroes

Your Investment And Guarantee

We are committed to providing you with quality products that will transform your business and seriously boost your profits, but if you don’t just LOVE this product simply click the button below anytime within 90 days and we’ll return 100% of your money. 

Now £36.00