This intense course is perfect for those SME business owners who want to make a heck of a lot more profit in their business. We cover everything you need to know to drastically increase your profits. Everything.
We will take you from looking at you as a person to what you need to include in your marketing to maximise your profits.
From examining your expenditures to Pricing For Profit, making profit in your business is a skill … we’ll teach you everything you need to know!
How Can This Course Help Me?
There is an abundance of wealth in the world, and it is your responsibility as a mother or father, spouse, son or daughter to get as much of that wealth for yourself and your family as possible.
If you are running a business and you want to make more profit in your business, this course will give you all the knowledge and skills you need to at least Double Your Profits in the next 12 months … and we are going to show you how to do it in just 10 days (approx 90 minutes a day.)
Everything you need to know to Double Your Profit is here in one place, all laid out in a carefully structured way to ensure you don’t get over-whelmed, and because it is a Business Super Heroes course we also give you exercises and workbooks at the end of each day too so you can implement what you learn directly into your SME business.
10 Days To … Double Your Profits will transform the way you think about your business, as well as turning a lot of old, outdated (and sometimes just plain wrong) business “strategies” on their heads.
Trust The Business Super Heroes to say the way it really is and help you get to where you should be!
What’s In The Course?
Day One - Introduction & Looking At You
On Day One we will look at an overview of profit, and we will also look at the most important person in your business – and NO! The most important person in your busines is NOT your customer, it’s YOU!
We will also look at the “Golden Rules of Wealth” and your attitutde towards those who are already wealthy too, since this will affect how you see them, and how you will see yourself when you become one of the wealthy.
Have you got the right mental attitude to run a highly profitable business? There’s only one way to find out …!
Day Two - What Is Profit And Costs Analysis
Day Two is broken down into 2 separate sections, the first section being what profit really is. You see, profit is so much more than just sales minus cost of sales.
It’s true! Profit is actually so much more than that … well, we’ll go through that in Day Two.
In the second part of Day Two we get straight into the crux of increasing your profits by looking at one of the quickest ways to increase your profits RIGHT NOW … we will look at managing your costs.
Sounds boring I know but this is essential, since so many business owners spend so much of their hard earned money on rubbish! We will help you put a system in place to ensure you don’t spend a penny or cent more than is totally necessary!
Remember … this is YOUR money you are WASTING!
Day Three - Your Finances
Sorry! There’s no getting round it.
This is the one section which many SME business owners need to focus on, but the one section which gets lost in the sea of other tasks we have to perform on a daily basis.
The fact is this … we can’t have a course on profit without going through break-even, profit and loss and all that amazing stuff. Don’t worry though, we have made it as fun and exciting as it can be … honest!
Your profit is in your business numbers, NOT in the number of customers you serve or the number of years you have been in business.
We will tell you why in Day Three.
Day Four - Positioning And Value
In Day Four we will look at where you are positioned in the market place as this will determine how your customers see your business and how much they are prepared to pay for your services.
You can’t make profit selling a quality service to customers who don’t want to pay anything for your services, so in Day Four we will show you how you can raise your prices and increase your profits by adding a ton of extra value to every sale.
That’s what people really want … Value from their purchases, NOT the lowest price possible. In fact, people rarely want the lowest price possible – we’ll tell you why!
In Day Four we’ll show you how to achieve the right balance for your customers.
Day Five - The 15 Massive Truths About Profit
So … you’re nearly half-way through this course and you’ve probably already started to form a plan about how you can increase your profits.
So far in this course we have bombarded your mind and fried your brain, so today we will take a leisurely stroll through the 15 Massive Truths About Profit, and after most of the truths you have an “Action Spot” which will help you analyse those truths and how they apply to your business.
Day Five will change how you think about profit and act as a massive wake-up call to ensure you realise the need to make a ton of profit in your business.
Day Six - Pricing For Profit
Here’s the biggie…
Pricing has a huge effect on your profits, so getting your pricing right is essential to your profitable future, yet so few SME business owners charge anywhere near what they are worth.
Why? It may have something to do with nerves, or lack of confidence in the product or service you are selling.
More likely though you are under the impression that if you raise your prices you will lose all your customers, or under the even worse impression you have to be the cheapest in the marketplace to survive.
This is so wrong. In fact, if you are the cheapest in any marketplace you definitely won’t survive. Pricing too low is deadly to your business, not only in terms of profits but also to the perception your customers will have of your business.
It’s a fine line to walk, but we’ll show you exactly how to price for profit in your SME business.
Day Seven - Raising Or Lowering Your Prices
At some point, hopefully very soon, you will want to raise your prices to match the value you offer your customers. We’ll show you how to do this without experiencing big losses to your customer base.
If raising your prices by around 5% could add 30% – 40% extra profit to your business, isn’t that something you should be looking at doing? I mean RIGHT NOW!
We’ll show you how to raise your prices without losing your customers!
Day Eight - Your Customers & Competition
On Day Eight we will look at those people who are going to be giving you your profits, and that is, of course, your customers.
Get this right and you’ll have a loyal customer base who actually want to give you all the profit you want forever. Get this wrong and you’ll end up working your butt off for little or no profit at all.
It’s your call. We will show you how to profile your customers so you can target those who will give you all the profit you want.
We will also look at your competitors and how copying them could be the worst thing you could possibly do for your profit margins. We will show you why it is so important for you to ignore the vast majority of other businesses in your field and stand on your own two feet!
Day Nine - Selling Smarter
Whilst this isn’t a course on selling we have included some selling tips in this course “10 Days To … Double Your Profits” because selling your goods or services for a decent amount of profit is essential to your profitable future.
Don’t sell anything then you have no profit and no business. Sell at the wrong price and either you won’t make any profit or you won’t make a sale.
We’ve included in this course many great selling tips which will help you put price in its place and enable you to still get your quotes, even after you have raised your prices!
Day Ten - Review And Implement
You’ve done it!
Your brain is probably like mush right now but on this final day you are to be truly congratulated on getting this far.
On Day 10 we go through everything we have been through in the past 10 days, bringing out the highlights and essentials you need to remember and apply into your business.
We also give you a whole host of other goodies, like wall planners and checklists, and we also ensure we leave you with a much stronger, more profitable business.
If you are umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether or not you should invest in this course, that’s brilliant! That’s exactly what we want from you … to question every single expense you make and think about profit.
In this course we will show you how to create a highly profitable business and in “10 Days To Double Your Profits” you will add more profit to your business than you ever thought possible.

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We are 100% committed to providing you with quality products which will transform your business and seriously boost your profits, so we offer you a full 100% Iron Clad, 120 Day guarantee.
If, at any time, you decide (for whatever reason) you don’t just LOVE this product, please click on the button below and we will refund every single penny you have paid.