Have a think about how you are going to achieve your objectives and what you must do in order to make your dream life a reality.
Use SWOT analysis on the following page to crystallize your thoughts and feelings here. Do the SWOT analysis and remember to think about every aspect of your business, including having a long hard look at yourself!
Once again a very well used system in the marketing world, SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Take a good look now at your business and yourself, and write down what you currently feel are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your business. Be honest! By finding out where you are now will help you towards your end goals.
Use these answers to see what you need to work on in the coming weeks and months and review your SWOT list every 3 months to see how things are changing for you.
Strengths in your business now