Pricing For Profit Course (Members)

Product Name:


Pricing For Profit

“How to Ensure You Are Making The Most Totally Scrummy Profit In Your Business”



Short Product Description:


In this course we will show you why price really isn’t the issue many business owners think it is.


Pricing for Profit has been written because pricing is a pig. There’s no getting away from it. If you’re running any kind of business, whether selling products or services, one of the most nerve-wracking decisions you have to make is….
How much should I charge?

It becomes an even tougher question in any service based industry and even extremely established businesses that pay their money people mega bucks get it wrong, so how are you supposed to get it right in your business?


After all, if you price your services too high, you might scare away lots of “financially challenged” potential customers, but will likely attract fewer better quality customers. Conversely, if you set the price too low, you might be decreasing your brand’s perceived value in the eyes of your target market AND leaving money on the table; that’s money with your name on it.


Then there’s all those different strategies you could implement. Payment plans, pricing levels, sales promotions, etc. Oh yes, my friend, the list of pricing options is very long indeed!


That’s why we have put together our step-by-step course called “PRICING FOR PROFIT”


There are 6 main areas we have identified that will help you “Price for Profit” and these are:
*Introduction – We’ll start you off by discussing the importance of pricing effectively and an overview of what you will be learning in the course.
* Defining Your Customer –  You will then learn how to accurately ask the right questions about your customers so that you can set prices that are affordable, relevant, and demonstrate the right value to your market.
* Know Your Competitors – In this module, you’ll learn how to research your competitors effectively and look at market trends so that you won’t make fatal pricing mistakes that will damage your competitiveness.
* Positioning Your Product or Service  – Next you need to perform the critical activity of defining your unique value. You’ll determine exactly where you’ll position yourself in your market.
* How to Create a Pricing Strategy – It’s time to get down to the details. In this module, you’ll explore different pricing strategies and select the one that will work best for your particular business model.
* Monitoring Your Pricing – Prices aren’t set in stone. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep your finger on the pulse of your market’s reaction to your prices so you can stay relevant and competitive.
* Lowering and Raising Prices – It’s inevitable that at some point you will need to raise (or lower) your prices. In this module, you’ll explore when that’s appropriate, and gain some tips for using price changes to your advantage.
* Conclusion – Without an implementation plan, you are far less likely to put your learning into action. In the Conclusion, you’ll walk through creating an action plan with next steps and deadlines.


Pricing is one of the hardest elements you will ever have to work through in your business, and hundreds of businesses go bust every single day just because they are not pricing accurately … in other words they have gone bust because they have not been “Pricing for Profit.”



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Product Type: Course

Price For Non Members: £49.95

Price For Members: £19.99

% Saving For Members: 60%

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