Blogs & Vids
Be Careful Who You Hang Around With …
Ok … there is an old joke that goes something like this: “The pessimists society wanted to set up a meeting to discuss their problems but no one thought it would work.” OK ... no prizes for joke...
It’s All Your Fault …
A few years ago I had a couple of health problems that meant I had to employ someone else to do my carpet cleaning jobs for me. Now, I screened this chap. He was a nice enough guy, did a pretty good...
Yes Men Will Kill Your Business
One of the fastest ways to lose all your money is to surround yourself with “Yes Men.” You know the kind of person I mean right? “Yes Men” are anybody who will say to you … “oh I like that idea”...
Offer Deluxe Products
Having worked with thousands of business owners over the years it’s my experience that almost every SME business sells themselves and their products way to cheaply. Raising your prices and selling...
Forget Brand Awareness
Unless you have the deep pockets of Richard Branson, you can’t afford to throw money away on just getting your name “out there,” but that is exactly what a lot of small business owners are doing,...
Be An Expert
Demonstrating yourself as an authority online will help you acquire both recognition and respect, and that recognition and respect transfers immediately to your company. If your prospects trust that...
No More Mr Nice Guy
Here is a MASSIVE mistake that many business owners make when they are doing their copywriting (writing ads, web pages, flyers and so on.) Stop writing in a PASSIVE voice! STOP being so bloody …....
Quotes To Live By …
Tony Robbins is an international author, an entrepreneur and an undisputed authority in personal growth, and has been an inspiration for athletes like Serena Williams and famous entrepreneurs like...
Grow A Pair Doris …
Say you're a carpet cleaner and you go out and do a quote. Once you've measured up and it comes to the time you have to state the price, you bottle it by mumbling something wet and feeble like " err...