Hiya [wp_eMember_first_name] 

As part of your membership you are allowed to submit an ad for review.

We really do just love hearing from our amazing members and reviewing their ads, but to save us from sending back the exact same answer as we send to 95% of the population, before you submit an ad to us please go through your ad and make sure the following points are in place.

  • Is there a good headline?
  • Are there testimonials or other social proof?
  • Does it follow the AIDA model?
  • Is there a strong offer?
  • Is there a strong guarantee?
  • Is it different or just more blah blah blah?
  • Does it stand out?
  • Does it focus on how you can fulfil the customer’s needs?
  • Does it have a strong CTA (call to action)
  • Does it have your contact details on it (You’d be surprised!)
  • Does it read well and flow in a sensible order?


You don’t need all of the above but you must be sure the bits you haven’t got are not the bits you really do need! When you are ready please complete the form below and upload it to us and allow up to 36 hours for feedback. Thank you!

Submit Your Ad Below