Put yourself in the customers shoes – would you buy from you? What would you want to hear?
Educate your customers about your product and what makes you different
Tell stories and case studies
Forget the hype about your product
Social proof – testimonials, celebrity endorsements, case studies etc
Freebies and giveaways
Repetition – repeat your main message several times throughout the presentation
Teach yourself about selling continuously
Benefits not features – what it does not what it is.
Emotions sell – “Imagine how you would feel if …”
Make the prospect envision using your products
Ensure the customer knows you are there for her
Promise to engage in Relationship Selling – build a lasting relationship based on trust
Speak in the prospects language not your own trade talk
Be honest about the downsides and upsides with your product
Be honest if you can’t help the prospect
Be honest if the customer is already well placed with what she has
Find out about the prospects situation – how else can you advise her properly?
Develop an incredible Impact Pack – this is your presentation pack to WOW the prospect.
Don’t knock the competition – rise above it.
Always follow up and follow up again.
Be confident in your services being right for the prospect
Look for “buying signals” – “does this come in green?” or “what are your lead times?”
Ask for the order – don’t ask, you won’t get!
It’s all about customer perception – your customers perception is her reality.
Offer facts to back up the sale – “75% fewer headaches with our double glazing” or “Lose 2 stone in 4 months with our weight loss plan.”
Drive the sale along a pre-determined path – Don’t let the sale drift along aimlessly. Develop your sales script that takes the customer on a journey from start to sale.
Learn the selling scripts that work for you and your business
Use an FAQ sheet to nip objections early before they stick