Branding For Profit

Pricing is the biggest contributing factor to your your profits. This course contains everything you need to figure out how you can make some serious profit.

Way too many small businesses are charging nowhere near what they should be charging for their services and this is costing them dearly, not just in terms of profit but in terms of the life they could be leading too.

Course Highlights

Course Type

A hands-on course teaching you how many things are more important than price



For the new business owner who wants lasting success which only profit can bring


Downloadable PDF’s or Hard Copy


Approx Time

60-90 mins a day for 5 days (including completing exercises and workbooks)

How Can This Course Help Me?

Branding For Profit 

“How to Design and Market a Brand That Your Customers Can Connect With and Remember”


Short Product Description:


In this very intense course we will show you how to brand your business – for profit!


This intense course will help ensure you create a branding success story so your prospects and customers come to associate your brand with a powerful emotional attachment that draws prospects to you and encourages existing customers to return. 


As we say many times here at BSH, it is value for money that the majority of people want from their goods or services and not the lowest price, and your branding has got to clearly communicate the value you provide because without a distinct brand, you are just another business struggling to survive in a crowded marketplace.


Your brand not only tells people your story and what you’re all about, but it also communicates who you are, what your business stands for and what levels of service they can expect from you. Don’t forget, of course, that branding is also the way many people will remember you.


In our Branding – For Profit course, we’ve included everything you need to design and market your own brand effectively.  By the time you have completed all the activities included, you will be well on the path to building a brand people will remember, love, and trust.


In this course we look at:

  • * What Is a Brand?
  • * Market Research
  • * Define Your Brand
  • * Design Your Logo
  • * Your Identity System
  • * The tools you will need
  • * The 4 steps of branding
  • * Strategies For Marketing Your Brand
  • * Choosing Which Branding Strategies To Use
  • * Who Will Manage Your Brand?
  • * Online Brand Management
  • * Offline Brand Management
  • * The Keys To Maintaining a Strong Brand
  • * Monitoring Your Brand
  • * Re-branding

I know it may seem incredibly daunting, but this course starts from the beginning of your branding journey and walks you by the hand through all the hoops and hurdles. You know, of all the feedback I have had on this course, over 85% of those who have taken the course have said they found it fascinating and fun!


So, what does your branding say about you? Do you stand out or are you just another business in a saturated marketplace? Do you give your prospects a clear message and a reason to choose you over all other options?



Your Investment And Guarantee

We are committed to providing you with quality products that will transform your business and seriously boost your profits, but if you don’t just LOVE this product simply click the button below anytime within 90 days and we’ll return 100% of your money. 

Price: WAS £59.00

Now £39.00

What’s In The Course?

There are 10 main areas we have identified which will help you “Price for Profit Not Poverty” and these are:


We’ll start you off by discussing the importance of pricing effectively and an overview of what you will be learning in the course

Defining Your Customer

You will then learn how to accurately ask the right questions about your customers so that you can set prices that are affordable, relevant, and demonstrate the right value to your market

Know Your Competitors

In this module, you’ll learn how to research your competitors effectively and look at market trends so that you won’t make fatal pricing mistakes that will damage your competitiveness

The Problem With Low Prices

Even though business owners have convinced ourselves our prospects want the lowest price possible, in reality that isn’t rue at all. We’ll tell you why and what they do really want.

Adding Value

Adding VALUE to your services is a fantastic thing to do because it rarely costs much to do but you can add extra to the invoice for doing it!

Positioning Your Product or Service

Next you need to perform the critical activity of defining your unique value. You’ll determine exactly where you’ll position yourself in your market

How to Create a Pricing Strategy

It’s time to get down to the details. In this module, you’ll explore different pricing strategies and select the one that will work best for your particular business model

Monitoring Your Pricing

Prices aren’t set in stone. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep your finger on the pulse of your market’s reaction to your prices so you can stay relevant and competitive

Lowering and Raising Prices

It’s inevitable that at some point you will need to raise (or lower) your prices. In this module, you’ll explore when that’s appropriate, and gain some tips for using price changes to your advantage


Without an implementation plan, you are far less likely to put your learning into action. In the Conclusion, you’ll walk through creating an action plan with next steps and deadlines.

“Way too many businesses are under-charging for their services and this is having a massive effect on their profits. Too many businesses think the price they charge is the be all and end all in a tranaction, but in this course we will put your mind right and tell you what your customers really want from you.”

Paul Baker

Chief Hero, Business Super Heroes

Your Investment And Guarantee

We are committed to providing you with quality products that will transform your business and seriously boost your profits, but if you don’t just LOVE this product simply click the button below anytime within 90 days and we’ll return 100% of your money. 

Price: WAS £59.00

Now £39.00