Anthony’s Journey With The Business Super Heroes

Before joining HM Forces Anthony had already run a business, but after leaving the forces he didn’t know which way to turn or whether he could make a real “go” of a business in today’s cut throat business world.

The rest is in his own words …

“Prior to joining the forces I ran a wooden floor sanding and fitting service, but was unsure how to go about starting that up again.

So much has changed while I was in the forces!

I joined the Academy Program because I wanted to know if I would feel the vibe about working for myself again, and boy did I feel that vibe!

The program took me from the basics about Pricing for Profit, talked about me as a person, then led me through a sensible course which included Branding and creating my own “category of one.”

I love the courses and the workbooks which help me to apply what I have learned into my own business.

Every business owner should attend this course!”

Anthony Woodward

Business Owner, Woodwards Wood